Sunday, March 25, 2012

NX Server Configure In RHEL 6

How to access your desktop over the internet. Suppose i have a machine my office at a over the internet. So i want to access my office desktop some reason like start some services. Now here am configure NX Server for accessing Linux desktop remotely over the internet.

First you need download NX packages here is three packages 1. client 2. node 3. server download all three packages.
Packages download click here

I had already download these rpm.
Now install these packages on my office machine [ you can my server machine ]

Server side .

1. [root@sanjay ~]# rpm -ivh nxclient-3.5.0-7.i386.rpm
2. [root@sanjay ~]# rpm -ivh nxnode-3.5.0-7.i386.rpm

3. [root@sanjay ~]# rpm -ivh nxserver-3.5.0-9.i386.rpm

Now restart the service.

4. [root@sanjay ~]# service nxserver restart

You need to create one user and add this will be used make connection.

5. [root@sanjay ~]# useradd a1
6. [root@sanjay ~]# passwd a1

7. [root@sanjay ~]# nxserver --useradd a1 --system

[ For delete ]

8. [root@sanjay ~]# nxserver --userdel a1 --system

Client side .

You need to install one rpm nxclient.

1. [root@localhost ~]# rpm -ivh nxclient-3.5.0-7.i386.rpm

2. [root@localhost ~]# nxclient






Windows Client side .

***Enjoy the magic***
